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Focus on making fine cloth

The apparel industry is undergoing tremendous changes. Have you noticed that?

2021-04-20 管理员 Read 1830

The past 10 years is undoubtedly the hardest decade in the apparel industry. The original traditional retail stores were first reformed by e-commerce. Until these years, only a few sporadic enterprises in the whole apparel industry have seen their sales grow, 90% of them are declining, and the proportion of e-commerce in the apparel industry has exceeded 40%. Compared with other industries, the traditional apparel retail industry has been hit very badly by the Internet. Strong.

     As a result, many physical stores are also starting to take the e-commerce route, but due to the lack of relevant technology, a shop often needs two sets of people, a management entity, a network store, investing double human and material resources, the result is overwhelming.

     We all know Ma Yun is upset recently. He is saddened by the news of selling fake goods, paying bills and lawsuits. More importantly, 90% of the e-commerce on Alibaba today is not profitable. When 90% of people in an ecosystem do not make money, it is time for everyone to flee. Such an ecosystem will not be the future of clothing retailing.

     First, let the category of thinking reform become more and more mature

     What's the future? In the future, the traditional clothing retail stores will be removed 50%, who will disappear 50%, who will remain 50% brilliant, which depends on who can save themselves.

     Women's wear, men's wear, sports, fashionable men's wear, outdoor, fashion brand, all categories are beginning to mature and competition is intensifying. Leadership brands account for 40% or more of all categories. Chaobai has risen in recent two years, but there is no absolute leading brand yet.

     Garment retail industry has low threshold and easy access. But at present, the overall level of operators and practitioners in this industry is uneven. Most of them are so-called managers who have been working for several years and know some concepts well. Clothing retailing, can be proficient in this industry, can engage in any retail industry.

     At present, apparel retailing is mainly divided into traditional and fast-selling types, and Xiaobian thinks that the development of apparel retailing is slowing down. In 2010, international fast-selling brands entered the Chinese market in a big way. In the golden period of the next few years, shop speed was very fast, which had a great impact on the domestic traditional clothing retail. In addition, the impact of the development of e-commerce on the domestic traditional brand is also hard to say. But starting in 2015, these international fast-selling brands began to slow down, and even many began to close their stores and expand their sidelines.

     Of course, the western market is still empty. Now we can dig it out. Moreover, these fast-selling brands come to China relying on their successful experience abroad. They are very modest. Their management is very rough, they have not sunk into stores, and intensive cultivation is far from enough. Therefore, the development of individual brands depends on themselves. However, in recent years, these fast-selling brands are trying to open up online and offline channels, but they do not have much chance to rely on this big growth point.

     Many domestic brands have tried to learn the fast-selling model in recent years, constantly imitate, although there are also failures, but there are also many successful examples.

     Second, we should change the current situation of several concepts practitioners

     In order to survive and do a good job in the future, enterprises must have four items: hardware, software, Internet and content. These four items should be integrated and complementary.

     The future clothing retail industry, not all physical stores will disappear, physical stores will certainly exist, but its existence is no longer separate from online stores, but an OTO entirety of integration and sharing. Physical stores are a diversion entrance, an access point for deep services, a window for consumers to experience and recognize more, and a guide to online consumers to increase consumption. An important component of frequency.

     In future retail stores, the KPI index of evaluating a shop assistant is no longer sales volume, but whether you and consumers have established a strong relationship, whether consumers trust you, whether there are more orders online under your guidance and service, which is the key. Future business must be a new business model that focuses on consumers and aggregates consumers.

     The future retail model must be point-to-point, people, decentralization and de-intermediation. It is a flat, from multi-dimensional to three-dimensional or even two-dimensional model. That is to say, unlike in the past, there are layers of distributors and agents at the first level. The manufacturer is the seller directly and has a strong relationship with the consumer directly.

A. Brand companies can operate directly or give very professional guidance, with better market control.

B. Some agents already have regional scale and are transforming into specialized companies.

C. Most of the operators are still in the sheep-herding operation, without the ability of data analysis, terminal store management, training and exhibition, and more relying on their own experience and feelings, it is always difficult to achieve breakthrough improvement and development.